ESP32 very low consumption
The very low consumption ESP32 module
Many developers who work with the ESP8266 have criticized its high consumption. This is why Anthémis Technologies uses the ESP32 module which corresponds to this situation. Indeed, it is a series of system-type microcontrollers on a chip from Espressif Systems . It is equipped with a ULP (Ultra Low Power) coprocessor, which by drastically reducing its functions, provides substantial energy savings.
Espressif has learned from the problems of the ESP8266 : if one uses it correctly the “frugal processor in energy”, one can indeed use the ESP32 in the field. low consumption. It’s because of its many features that it cannot really compete in the category of true ultra-low power processors. Wi-Fi was simply not designed as a low-energy interface. If you have already gained assembly experience with PIC and the like, it shouldn’t take long for you to find your way around programming ULP . This is (belated) confirmation to all who believe that programming in 8-bit chip assembler is good preparation for working with advanced languages on microcontrollers.
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